About the auction:
100 & L NORTHEASTERN BLVD, NASHUA, NH * 1972 built Park Industrial zoned commercial building features 51,778± SF, central a/c, multiple overhead doors, loading dock, & FHW/oil heat * Land and buildings are located on a double-lot; shown as lots 38 & 41 on HCRD Plan #27042 * Lots total 5.6± acres located just off Rt. 3 close to the NH/MA border * Lot known as "L" Northeastern Blvd. currently used as a paved parking lot * Served by gas heat and public water & sewer * Mortgage Ref: Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds Book 9676, Page 2615. Tax Map 140, Lots 38 & 41. Total Assessed Value: $3,023,900. 2023 Taxes: $55,126. Sale per order of Mortgagee by its Attys: Smith-Weiss, Shepard & Kanakis, P.C., Nashua, NH; Mark D. Kanakis, Esq. Terms: $50,000 deposit by cash, certified check, bank check or other form of payment satisfactory to Seller at time of sale, balance due within 45 days. Other terms may be announced at time of sale. All information herein is believed but not warranted to be correct. The Mortgagee does not warrant the condition or existence of any feature described above.
Auction Details
ID# 2024-188
Event Status: Canceled
09/18/2024 11:00 AM
100 Northeastern Boulevard, Nashua, NH