(32) Town Owned Properties in HAVERHILL, NH

About the auction:

Saturday, October 28, 2023 AT 10:00 AM (Registration from 9:00 AM)
Sale location: CLIFFORD MEMORIAL BUILDING, 65 S. Court St, Woodsville, NH
We have been retained by the Town of Haverhill to sell at Public Auction these (32) town owned properties. These properties appeal to first time home buyers, investors, builders, sportsmen or abutters!

SALE #1 Home on 1.25± Acres MAP/LOT: 422/58 360 Lily Pond Road ASSESSED VALUE: $158,600.00 DEPOSIT: $5,000

SALE #2 Home on 0.4± Acres MAP/LOT: 101/149 6 Nelson Street ASSESSED VALUE: $97,300.00 DEPOSIT: $5,000

SALE #3 Home on 0.5± Acres MAP/LOT: 414/19 11 Sand Road ASSESSED VALUE: $82,600.00 DEPOSIT: $5,000

SALE #4 Home on 0.35± Acres MAP/LOT: 103/39 8 Walnut Street ASSESSED VALUE: $81,300.00 DEPOSIT: $5,000

SALE #5 Home on 0.55± Acres MAP/LOT: 206/94 2675 Dartmouth College Hwy ASSESSED VALUE: $77,100.00 DEPOSIT: $5,000

SALE #6 Home on 0.2± Acres MAP/LOT: 208/24 524 Dartmouth College Hwy ASSESSED VALUE: $56,900.00 DEPOSIT: $2,500

SALE #7 5.5± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 422/59 39 Moody Road ASSESSED VALUE: $34,500.00 DEPOSIT: $2,500

SALE #8 Mfg Home on 1.2± Acres MAP/LOT: 413/124 37 Blackberry Drive ASSESSED VALUE: $28,700.00 DEPOSIT: $2,500

SALE #9 Vacant 5.4± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 410/88 French Pond Road *HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM AUCTION*

SALE #10 Mfg Home in Park MAP/LOT: 208/30 50 Pleasant View MHP ASSESSED VALUE: $12,800.00 DEPOSIT: $2,500

SALE #11 Vacant 0.15± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 101/98 Ammonoosuc Street ASSESSED VALUE: $5,900.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #12 Mfg Home in 55+ Park MAP/LOT: 402/45 69 Brill Hill Road ASSESSED VALUE: $5,100.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

The following (20) Properties located in The Mountain Lakes District:

SALE #13 Home on 0.6± Acres MAP/LOT: 202/250 533 Swiftwater Circle $101,200.00 DEPOSIT: $5,000

SALE #14 Waterfront 0.3± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 201/224 Lakeside Drive $22,800.00 DEPOSIT: $2,500

SALE #15 Vacant 0.8± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 202/210 Swiftwater Circle $8,000.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #16 Vacant 0.74± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 204/47 Haverhill Lane $7,900.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #17 Vacant 0.56± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 204/162 French Pond Road $7,600.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #18 Vacant 0.56± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 201/80 Vernon Drive $7,600.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #19 Vacant 0.41± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 403/35 White Mountain Road $7,200.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #20 Vacant 0.35± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 204/252 Kearsarge Drive $6,900.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #21 Vacant 0.34± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 204/249 Dartmouth Road $6,900.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #22 Vacant 0.73± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 203/154 Valley Road $6,300.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #23 Vacant 0.47± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 201/187 Bridgeview Drive $5,900.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #24 Vacant 0.35± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 204/170 French Pond Road $5,500.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #25 Vacant 0.35± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 203/38 Westview Drive $5,500.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #26 Vacant 0.33± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 201/21 Hanover Drive $5,400.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #27 Vacant 0.87± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 202/93 Simonds Road $4,900.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #28 Vacant 0.48± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 204/278 King Drive $4,500.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #29 Vacant 0.64± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 202/85 Simonds Road $3,500.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #30 Vacant 0.74± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 203/230 Skiway Terrace $3,200.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #31 Vacant 0.72± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 201/111 Straford Drive $3,100.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000

SALE #32 Vacant 0.52± Acre Lot MAP/LOT: 202/102 Wildwood Road $3,000.00 DEPOSIT: $1,000



PREVIEW: Lots are marked; drive-by is recommended.

TERMS: All deposits non-refundable by cash, certified check, bank treasurer's check, or other form of payment acceptable to the Town of Haverhill at time of sale; balance of purchase price due within 45 days after date of sale. Conveyance by Quitclaim Deed. Sales are subject to Town confirmation. All properties sold "as is, where is" subject to all outstanding liens, if any. Other terms may be announced at time of sale. All information herein is believed but not warranted to be correct. All interested parties are advised to do their own due diligence relative to the buildability/non-buildability of any lot and all matters they deem relevant.


Auction Details

ID# 2023-204

Event Status: On


10/28/2023 10:00 AM
65 S. Court Street, Woodsville, NH