About the auction:
Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 10:00 AM, Registration from 9:00 AM. Sale to be held at: Winchester Town Hall,1 Richmond Road, Winchester, NH. * We have been retained by the Town of Winchester, NH to sell at PUBLIC AUCTION these (3) town-owned properties. These properties have a total assessed value of $285,700 and appeal to first time homebuyers, investors, builders, or abutters. ****SALE # 1: 168 Gunn Mountain Road (Tax Map 4, Lot 27) 1 ¾ story log style home located on a 4 ± acre lot * 2003 built home features 1,960± SF GLA, 7 RMS, 3 BR, 2 BA, open porch, patio, detached shed and FHW/Oil heat. Served by private well & septic * Assessed Value: $154,800. 2021 Taxes: $4,921. Deposit $5,000. ****SALE # 2: 5 Broad Brook Road (Tax Map 17, Lot 19) Central Business zoned garage located on a 0.05 ± acre lot * 1984 built building offers 1,826± SF GLA, ½ BA, three overhead doors, off street parking and FHA/Oil heat. * Served by town water & sewer * Assessed Value: $77,600. 2021 Taxes: $2,467. Deposit $5,000. ****SALE # 3: 356 Bolton Road (Tax Map 4, Lot 30) Vacant 9.2± acre mountain top lot located close to the Vermont & Massachusetts state lines. Lot contains an abandoned mobile home and is partially wooded & rolling in topography * Assessed Value: $53,300. 2021 Taxes: $1,694. Deposit $5,000. Terms: Deposits by cash, certified check/bank check or other tender acceptable to the Town of Winchester at time of sale, balance of purchase due within 45 days from the sale date. Conveyance by Deed, without covenants. Sales are subject to Town of Winchester confirmation. The Town of Winchester reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All properties sold "AS IS, WHERE IS" subject to all outstanding liens, if any. Other terms may be announced at time of sale. PREVIEWS: Properties are marked - a drive-by is recommended. 10% BUYER'S PREMIUM DUE AT CLOSING. PLOT PLANS, PHOTOS, BROCHURE, AND MORE DETAILS ARE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE. All information herein is believed but not warranted to be correct. All interested parties are advised to do their own due diligence relative to the buildability/non-buildability of any lot and all matters they deem relevant.
Auction Details
ID# 2022-178
Event Status: On
08/20/2022 10:00 AM
1 Richmond Road, Winchester, NH